Meeting International des jeunes 2023 : les jeunes du SL brillent en France !

Le weekend des 13 et 14 mai 2023, le Swimming Luxembourg engageait 56 nageurs au 19ème Meeting International des Jeunes de Villerupt (France).

Cette compétition sur deux jours, présentait un format « Séries / Finales » pour les courses de 50m, et un classement direct au temps pour les courses de 100m.

Les jeunes nageurs du SL ont pu jauger leur niveau de forme en cette période et, pour les plus jeunes compétiteurs, de participer à leurs premières finales.

Le tout devant un public nombreux et dans une ambiance incroyable en finales.

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Synchro News

We have the honour to invite you to this year’s 30th Synchro Cup 2023 which will be held at Campus Geesseknäppchen, Luxembourg from 12th until 14th may 2023! Registrations have been closed since 14th march, one month before the deadline, since we have been flooded with inscriptions. We are going to welcome teams from Belgium, the Netherlands, Czech Republic, Estonia and the UK. Luxembourg will be represented by the Cercle de Natation Dudelange and the organizing club Swimming Luxembourg. In total 340 swimmers, from 15 clubs and 6 nations, are coming to Luxembourg to attend this international event organized by the Synchro-Team of Swimming Luxembourg. Swimming Luxembourg will be represented, in the choreography competition, in category « Beginners » with a Team and with Duets in category « 12andUnder », « Youth » and « Juniors ». In total, SL is going to have 22 swimmers participating in the figure competition.

For the first time in history we will be having boys and men participating in a sport which until now was often reserved for women only. Also we will have technical routines in the categories of juniors for the first time ever!  Just come over, have some snacks at our lovely cafeteria and enjoy the unique routines of the different teams.
We are looking forward to be welcoming all teams, supporters and spectators, to having a great time while enjoying some artistic swimming!